Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19th-May 23rd

                                           On to the week of May.-19th to the23rd:

Phonics- We will be learning about digraph “ch” as in cheese, “ee” as in sheep” and combination “or” as in horse.” I know the students will do well with these because we use them in kidwriting.

Reading- We will be reading a story called “Homes Around the World”. It is an informational text and the comprehension skill that will be taught throughout this lesson is “compare and contrast.” 

Math- We doubled up some days in math because the students are doing such a good job with their shapes.  We learned about the numbers of sides and corners of the basic shapes (circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles but we also introduced a hexagon, cube, sphere, cylinder and cone.  The next topic is Topic 15 and we will learn about Position and Location of Shapes.


Graduation- Tuesday, May 20th is the big day!!!!  Our graduation will begin at 6:00PM in the NS high school auditorium. Students should arrive at the lower level and report to the gym around 5:30- 5:45.  The ceremony will begin promptly at 6:00 P.M.  The doors will not open until 5:30.  Students will be exiting the auditorium and going to the Gym after the ceremony, and parents can get pictures of their children there.  Kindergarten caps and gowns must be returned to the teacher after the ceremony. .  Tassels will be taken home as a keepsake.

The children will have their caps and gowns on for the kindergarten graduation so it is not necessary to wear dress clothes that night.  They need a white colored shirt. 

Friday, May 23rd.-Carnival

Carnival day is a fun filled day with games and snacks provided by the PTO, Please dress your child for the weather and apply sunscreen before your child comes to school,   Students should wear sneakers and Gym day attire, (no jeans, dresses or skirts). 

This year the cafeteria is offering a brown bag lunch for the field trip and the carnival. It is the same price as the regular student lunch.  I know it is confusing, but you have the option to purchase a lunch for these events.  We will be eating our lunch in our classroom the day of the carnival, so you will have to pack a lunch for your child or buy the bagged lunch from the cafeteria. No other meal will be offered.

Monday May 19th will be day # 5 on the school rotation and we will have music class. 

     The kindergarten children did such a wonderful job collecting food and supplies for the soldiers all year that they were recognized at the school board meeting on Wednesday, May 14th. They were also recognized for the “loose change” collections for the relay for life.  The children received an ice-cream treat on Thursday as a reward.  Thanks for your help!!!

. A few more reminders will be coming home concerning the field trip and graduation. If you are a homeroom parent chaperoning our fieldtrip please make sure you sent the necessary paper work to school as soon as possible.  Have a sunny weekend!


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