Friday, April 25, 2014

April 28th-May 2nd, 2014

                                            Kindergarten News

- Monday, April 28thth will be day # 5-Music


v  This week, we will be focusing on the two sounds of digraph “th”.   It makes a voiced (vibrating) sound as in feather and unvoiced sound as in thimble.  Watch the daily worksheets to see the differences in the two sounds.  The children already are aware of this digraph and use it frequently in their kid writing.  We try to stick our tongue out to make these sounds.


v  No show and tell this week.



v   You may have noticed that we are practicing for our “end of the year testing” on our phonic worksheets.  The children are given 10 minutes to write as many words as they can as part of their kindergarten testing.  The Reading teachers give the test in the cafeteria because there are no words to copy from, and we will be there to help.  I am trying to teach “word families” like “at, it, ed, ug, etc to make it easy for the children to be successful on this test. Practice this at home. A tentative date for  Diebels testing will be April 28th.  This will be the last time this year for this test.


v   The children attended a show in the gym called “Brain show Mania”.  It was a show with questions and contestants in a game show format. We had fun and even some winners!!!


           In Math we took the test for topic 11 on Thursday and it will come home in the Friday   folder for you to look over and sign.  We will begin topic 12 on Friday and continue it next week. We will be learning about measurement.  Please review the pages that come home in your child’s folder daily. 


       We are making a DVD for graduation that will have 2 individual pictures of every child in kindergarten on it, along with some group shots from every class. You may purchase it for $ 10.00, please see the form in your child’s folder.


v  Tuesday, April 22nd was Earth Day. We discussed the environment, and how to keep our planet clean.



Congratulations to the winners from the PTO Spring Fling Chinese Auction.   The last day for the school store is May 2nd.


Next week will be the last time the children will have the opportunity to get books from the library.

Note:  Tuesday April 29th there will be a change in the menu –It will be breaded pork chop with mashed potatoes and gravy, fruit and milk.



Dates to remember:

Fieldtrip- May 28th

Carnival- May 23rd

Kindergarten graduation- May 20h (evening)

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Kindergarten News

- Monday April 21st to April 25th 


This week in Phonics we are learning about the diagraph “sh”.  A diagraph is when two letters come together to make one sound.  We code digraphs by drawing a line under them.  This reminds the children that the two letters only make one sound.


Monday April 28nd will begin diebels testing with the Reading department, and very soon we will begin getting the testing started for the last report card.  The reading department retests all of the children at the end of the year.


v They are tested on letter identification, sounds, and the students have to give a word that begins with each letter of the alphabet.


v  A sentence will be dictated, and the children will have to write it.  This is done one word at a time.


v  They will be given 10 minutes to write as many words as they can think of, and that’s why you are seeing us working on word families.  I have had children in past years write more than 100 words.  This you can practice all of these things at home, the more use to doing this, the easier it is for them the day of the test. 



v Next week we will be working on topic 11, composing and decomposing numbers to 19.  If your child did not meet the goals for counting to 100, please practice this daily at home.  It is a common core standard that needs to be met before first grade.


     JWe are introducing the story “Mayday, Mayday” in Reading. Its genre is” informational text” and the comprehension skills is “cause and effect”. This is a real story full of adventure, and the children love it.  They will be learning about transportation that helps in an emergency.


     JMonday April 21st will be day # 5 on the school rotation and we will have music class.  We are beginning to practice the songs for our kindergarten graduation.


     JThe children are permitted to wear gym clothes on Monday because we will be going to the baseball field for some fun activities provided by a club at the high school called Teens against Tobacco”.

Friday, April 11, 2014

March 14th-18th

                                     Kindergarten New- April -14th-18th




v  This week, since we have covered all of the letters of the alphabet, we will now   be working on final digraph ck.  The rule is that when the/k/ sound comes at the end of a word, and there is a short vowel before it, you use the diagraph “ck”.  Examples:  black , duck,  lock


v   Keep practicing with your child to help them write as many words as they can in ten minutes so that they will be successful on the end of the year test.


v   The wedding of Q and u went very well.  We had a lovely ceremony, and we feasted on wedding cake, ice cream, and punch.  The children had a wonderful time blowing wedding bubbles outside, and we dance at the reception.  All the parts for our wedding were randomly chosen by picking the children’s names from a hat so that it would be fair.


v  Reading-We are introducing the story Max Takes the Train.  This book was written by an author you may be familiar with --“Rosemary Wells”.  She has written and illustrated over 60 children’s books.  The genre for this book is animal fantasy and the comprehension skill is realism and fantasy.


v  Some of the science concepts that we will be covering are how to mix colors, and make-believe animals.


v  The Social studies concepts will be revolved around forms of transportation.


v   Report cards should be signed and returned as soon as possible. 


       In Math we are finished with Topic 10 and the test will come home to be signed and for you to get an idea of what your student has accomplished.  Please review the pages that come home in your child’s folder daily.


      The children are doing a wonderful job with their kidwriting.  You might see some papers coming home that the children are doing at learning centers while I am kidwriting with another group.  All of the learning center activities revolve around things that we introduce in class, and are an extension of their learning.


We are not having an Easter party but we will have an egg hunt and my class will have to find eggs with our memory word “said” on them.  Help your child practice this at home.


Monday, April 14thth is day # 1 and we have art class.


There will be no school on Friday April 18th and the children will be back at school on Monday April 21st, due to make-up snow days.


Enjoy the warmer weather this weekend!!!!!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 7th-11th

Kindergarten News- April 7th – 11th


v  This week since we have finished all the letters of the alphabet, we will be working on a new concept.  We will learn about long vowels, and the new rule is “a vowel not followed by a consonant is long: code it with a macron.  Some examples are-hi, me he, and she.


v  All of the girls enjoyed being “Queen for a day” on Friday. The girls got to wear crowns and the boys did nice things for them all day.



v  We will try to begin our Foss Science Kit called “Animals Two by Two”.


v  Please send any report cards back to school. Please sign and return it in the envelope as soon as you can.  I did not include the rubric since you had the opportunity to review what our expectations were for your child on their first report card.  If you have any questions please feel free to send me a note or an e-mail.


v  For Reading we will begin “Abuela” Its genre is fiction, and the comprehension skill is setting.  The social studies concept of this unit is “Adventures You Can Have in the City”.


v  In Math we will be working with identifying numbers 11-30, and composing and decomposing 11 through 30.



v  Kindergarten physicals are on Thursday April 10th.


v  Kindergarten graduation pictures also went well thanks to the help of a few wonderful homeroom moms.



v  Wordlist # 16 was checked, and almost the whole class got perfect papers!  Wow!!!  Wordlist # 17 should be in your child’s folder today.


     The wedding of Q and U will be on Friday, April 11th...  Mrs. Pott’s class has been invited and they have responded that they will be in attendance.  I am sending a separate reminder note about this event.



If you are a homeroom parent and have met all of the PTO requirements, we would love to have you help us for the field trip.  If you can go to the Pioneer Tunnel with us please let me know ASAP.


The PTO fund raiser pick up will be on Friday from 4 to 7.




Monday - April 7th is Day 1—we will begin the week with art class.