Friday, October 12, 2012

Week of October 15th-19th

Kindergarten news- October 17-21 Next week in phonics we will be learning the letter “A”. We will learn that apple has a short /a/ sound and acorn has a long /a/ sound. Show and tell will be on Friday as usual but I will not be sending a bag home anymore. We will be beginning the story “Life in an Ocean” in Reading. The genre is “informational text” and the comprehension skill is “compare and contrast”. For the next ten lessons in Math we will be focusing on: * Numbers and operations, * Algebra- recognizing, describing, and order of objects by size, and number. *Geometry- recognizes, name, build, draw, compare and sort two and three dimensional shapes. Before we know it, it will be time to begin individually testing your child for their first report card, so please continue to practice letter and number recognition, letter and number formation, and letter sounds for l, o, g, h ,t ,p and A. Also practice the memory words “I, a, am, to, the, little, love, of, have, and is.” They will also be tested on making and extending an A,B pattern, and be able to give me a rhyming word when I provide them with a word (tell me word that rhymes with hat) and be able to tell me if two words rhyme(like bug- rug). The fall festival was a huge success. The children had a wonderful time. A lot of people devoted a huge amount of time to making this an enjoyable day for our students, and it is appreciated. I would also like to thank my nephew Travis Brown and his two friends and co-workers from Colorado for providing our school with a free demonstration of “slack-lining”. The main objective of this presentation was to educate children on the importance of staying physically fit. We had a wonderful time at the pajama party on Friday. Some of the activities were: pasta necklaces, printing with Halloween sponges, paper plate puppets, and playing with play dough. Everyone looked perfect in their pajamas, and we even had pancakes. For snack time we munched on popcorn and pretzels. Thanks to the homeroom moms and dad that helped out. If you signed up to be a homeroom mom and have your clearances, and you would like to help out for the Halloween party on October 31st(Wednesday) please send a note to me and I will be in touch with more details. Please note that Friday October 19th is an early dismissal (11:45) for students due to an act 80 day. Please make any necessary arrangements for your child, and let me know through a note if their departure from school will be different than usual. Lunch will be served at 9:15-9:45 and there will be no snack time. This month students are invited to raise awareness for breast cancer by wearing pink every Thursday. The weekender backpack program will begin this week for participating families. Please return the empty food bag to school on Monday. The next distribution will be Oct. 25th. Picture retake day is Monday, Nov. 5th. Anyone who was absent on picture day is asked to be photographed on re-take day. Also anyone not happy with their photo taken in September may return the complete package of photos and have their picture retaken. Monday will be day # 3 and we have library class! Don’t forget your book!!!!! Have a Perfectly Peachy weekend!

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